





来源:/ 文章作者:济柴环能 发布时间:2024-02-26

可再生能源是中国实现可持续发展的重要能源,其中沼气发电是可再生能源的重要利用。合理有效地利用这种新能源,可以为中国农村和农业的发展带来很大的帮助。集诸多优点于一体的沼气,是各种有机物在一定的温度、湿度、pH值和空气隔绝条件下,经微生物发酵分解而成的一种可燃气体,因在沼泽中被发现而得名。沼气的主要成分是甲烷(CH4),此外还有二氧化碳(约30%-40%)。它无色、无味、无 毒,密度约为空气的55%,不溶于水,易燃,1米甲烷的热量为35857千焦耳。沼气技术是利用生化方法对畜禽粪便和工业有机废水进行处理的技术。由于其成本低,治疗效果好,在实践中得到了广泛的应用。但单纯利用沼气集中供气供热,覆盖面有限,可靠性低,而利用沼气作为燃料发电和局部发电,发电量可以随着沼气产量的变化而灵活调整,可以充分利用沼气。

Renewable energy is an important energy source for China to achieve sustainable development, among which biogas power generation is an important utilization of renewable energy. Reasonably and effectively utilizing this new energy can bring great help to the development of rural and agricultural areas in China. Biogas, which combines many advantages, is a combustible gas formed by microbial fermentation and decomposition of various organic substances under certain temperature, humidity, pH value, and air isolation conditions. It is named after its discovery in swamps. The main component of biogas is methane (CH4), in addition to carbon dioxide (about 30% -40%). It is colorless, odorless, non-toxic, with a density of about 55% of air, insoluble in water, flammable, and has a heat of 35857 kilojoules per meter of methane. Biogas technology is a technology that uses biochemical methods to treat livestock manure and industrial organic wastewater. Due to its low cost and good therapeutic effect, it has been widely applied in practice. However, simply using biogas for centralized gas supply and heating has limited coverage and low reliability. However, using biogas as fuel for power generation and local power generation can flexibly adjust the power generation with changes in biogas production, making full use of biogas.

沼气发电机组的沼气发电技术是一种集环保与节能为一体的新型能源综合利用技术。它是利用工业、农业或城市生活中大量的有机废液(如粮食、畜禽粪便、城市垃圾和污水等),将厌氧发酵处理产生的沼气,带动沼气发电机组发电,并能充分利用发电机组的余热进行沼气生产,使综合热效率达到80%左右,且远高于平均30% - 40%的发电效率,经济效益是显著的。沼气发电技术本身就是提供的清洁能源,不仅解决了沼气工程中的环境问题,消耗了大量的废弃物,保护了环境,减少了温室气体的排放,而且产生了大量的热能和电能,符合能源回收利用的环保理念,还带来了巨大的经济效益。


The biogas power generation technology of biogas generator sets is a new energy comprehensive utilization technology that integrates environmental protection and energy conservation. It utilizes a large amount of organic waste liquid (such as grain, animal manure, urban garbage, and sewage) from industrial, agricultural, or urban life to produce anaerobic fermentation biogas, which drives the biogas generator unit to generate electricity. It can fully utilize the waste heat of the generator unit for biogas production, achieving a comprehensive thermal efficiency of about 80%, which is much higher than the average power generation efficiency of 30% -40%. The economic benefits are significant. The biogas power generation technology itself provides clean energy, which not only solves environmental problems in biogas engineering, consumes a large amount of waste, protects the environment, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, but also generates a large amount of thermal and electrical energy, which conforms to the environmental protection concept of energy recycling and utilization, and brings huge economic benefits.


The biogas power generation of biogas generating units is a systematic project, which includes the optimization and combination of unit technologies such as biogas production, biogas purification and storage, biogas power generation and Internet access. Biogas power generation began in the early 1970s. In order to make reasonable use of the biogas generated in the treatment of organic waste pollution. The research and application of biogas power generation in China also has a long history. Due to the fact that biogas was first used in rural areas, organic waste such as plants and manure were anaerobic fermented and produced in ponds. Although methane and ground production are large, the gas production is small, the engine power is small, and the biogas production is often affected by climate, resulting in unstable gas composition, calorific value, and gas production.


In recent years, with the construction of large and medium-sized biogas projects in agricultural and poultry farms across the country, some engine factories have transformed and produced large-scale power biogas engines, which have been applied in some fields of large and medium-sized biogas power generation projects. At present, the power specifications of mature biogas generators in China are mainly concentrated in the range of 24-600KW. From the perspective of biogas production, many biogas projects are suitable for constructing biogas generators with a power output of over 500kW. From the perspective of the gas production and electricity load of biogas projects, there is also a large market for generator sets below 20kW. For example, a 10000 pig farm biogas project with a daily biogas output of 80m3 is obviously not suitable for online power generation, only for internal electricity consumption. The swamp power is generally used to drive sewage pumps, pig farm ventilation fans, lighting, etc. in biogas engineering, so it is recommended to equip a generator set of about 10kW. There are many similar biogas projects, indicating a high demand for low-power biogas generators. The application prospects of biogas power generation in rural China are broad, and the resources are very abundant.

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